sunnuntai 22. toukokuuta 2016

BBB devlog 01

Started building Birkeland Badbwoy in Blender 2.75 (MAC) & 2.74 (PC) today, finishing today's work on PC. I used Goran Milovanovic's great tutorial to build a grabbing system. See the tut below.

I encountered a problem at first with the script not working after implementing the actual grab system, mouse cursor did not do anything and there was no movement happening with the movement keys(WSAD). The problem turned out to be in the Python indentation. I found out what the bug was by checking the console window while running the game and later searching about the problem on stack exchange for Blender.

In Blender you should click the 'Format' menu in the Text Editor to Convert Whitespaces into either Tab key presses or Spacebar presses. This fixed the problem.

The next problem occurred while grabbing objects and making collision events when attaching these objects to a car. The car switches its mesh once a collision between the object and the car mesh has been detected. This works fine.

The problem is that when an End Object -logic brick is added to either one of the objects (wheel or pipe), the script for the grabbing system stops working when the objects collides with the car mesh and ends itself. This is frustrating and I'm trying to find a solution. Probably through implementing some code could work, but I'm not yet confident enough a coder to do that. Let's see. Arsenal RSL's tutorials might prove useful, as they have in the past.